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Company Of Animals

Company Of Animals

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Vet visits, injuries, travel and contact with new people can be tricky for your canine companion. They can easily trigger nervous or aggressive behaviour. Company of Animals creates innovative products to help resolve behaviour and training problems. They’re designed with your pet’s welfare in mind, so you enjoy more quality time together. The UK-based company has 40 years of expertise in dog behaviour, animal science and product development. Team leader Dr Roger Mugford is known as Britain’s leading animal psychologist– and the Queen’s corgi trainer! Company of Animals Baskerville muzzles offer safe options for managing and training nervous or potentially aggressive dogs. Available in various sizes and easily adjustable, they’re comfortable without restricting drinking and panting. Halti Optifit headcollars and front control harnesses are ergonomically designed to fit most shapes and sizes. CLIX CarSafe harness keeps pooches secure while they’re travelling in the car or out for a walk.

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