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Ever Clean

Ever Clean

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Premium Clumping Cat Litter

Ever Clean’s variety of cat litter is formulated to provide maximum odour control, high absorbency, and the strongest clumping action to enhance your kitty’s life. Ever Clean is proudly America’s first clumping cat litter thanks to their premium granule and clay formulas with paw activated fragrance. With a wide range of kitty litter options, such as extra strong, multiple cat, and lavender scented, there is sure to be an Ever Clean solution for you and your feline friend.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I flush Ever Clean premium cat litter down the toilet?

It is not recommended to flush Ever Clean cat litter down the toilet as the clumping formula can clog drains. Simply scoop and dispose of soiled litter and solid waste from the litter tray.

How often should I change Ever Clean in the litter tray?

Dispose of solid waste and clumps from the litter tray, and dispose of in the bin. For the greatest effectiveness, empty the entire litter tray and dispose of the old litter in the bin. Replace with 8-10cm of fresh Ever Clean litter.

How do I train my cat to use Ever Clean premium clumping litter?

When using a new kitty litter for the first time, it’s important to allow time for your cat to adjust to the change. Try adding a thin layer of Ever Clean litter on top of your regular litter, and adding more until your cat adjusts. Once fully adjusted, replace the entire litter tray with Ever Clean litter and enjoy the benefits of maximum odour control and fresh scent.

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